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Rise In Childbirth Complications Cause For Concern

The safety of mother and newborn during childbirth is something that many people take for granted. Studies indicate, however, that dangerous complications during childbirth are on the rise in the United States.

According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), emergencies during delivery – including cardiac arrest, respiratory distress and kidney failure – increased 75 percent during the decade ended 2009. In the days following delivery, the incidence of severe complications such as hemorrhaging nearly doubled. Overall, an estimated 52,000 women experience severe complications during childbirth each year in the United States.

Some suggest that these sorts of complications are on the rise because of the increasing number of expectant mothers who are older, obese or have chronic conditions such as diabetes. Critics are quick to point out that healthy women also experience complications during and immediately after childbirth.

For the CDC and physicians alike, the focus is on reducing the incidence of complications during childbirth, regardless of the age of the mother or whether she has a chronic health condition. The CDC is currently funding initiatives in several states that aim to establish guidelines and protocols for reducing childbirth risk and preventing injuries. Many obstetricians are receiving military-style training in trauma medicine and communication to prevent injury to both mother and child during difficult deliveries.

Guidelines Seem to Be Working

Hemorrhage after delivery is one of the most common complications experienced by new mothers. Because it can affect seemingly healthy women in the days after delivery, it is important for hospitals to follow established safety guidelines and protocols and to make sure that staff are trained properly. In some hospitals, this includes writing checklists of steps to stop hemorrhages, stocking special carts with the equipment necessary to stop bleeding so that it is all available in one place and even using fake blood spills to give doctors and nurses practice in estimating blood loss. According to one study, these sorts of efforts have been successful in reducing the incidence of post-delivery hemorrhage.

Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Despite extensive planning, accidents do happen. If you or someone you love has suffered injury due to the negligence of a physician, nurse or other medical professional, contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney. A knowledgeable medical malpractice lawyer can assess your case and help you get the fair and adequate compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. For more information about how a medical malpractice attorney can help you, contact a lawyer today.

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    R.J. Bucky Slomski

    Burch & Cracchiolo, P.A. 1850 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1700 Phoenix, AZ 85004
    Phone: 602-230-8777 Fax: 602-230-8707 Phoenix Law Office Map