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In cases of quadriplegia, your doctor could be to blame

The loss of sensation and control in a bodily limb is inconceivable for most. Yet, paralysis is an international medical concern. Spinal cord damage resulting in the paralyzation of a limb can vary significantly in severity. However, the higher an injury is on your spine, the more serious the effects will be.

Quadriplegia, or Tetrapleqia, cause you to lose function in all four limbs as well as your torso. This disabling condition often increases the risks of additional medical concerns for chronic pain or breathing difficulties, among others.

Common causes of Tetraplegia

Whether involving fractures, vertebral compression or a traumatic blow to the spine, negligence often factors into spinal cord injuries that result in quadriplegia. In some cases, a medical provider may be at fault.

The common ways people experience spinal cord injuries, some of which result in quadriplegia, include:

  • Falls
  • Violence
  • Athletic injuries
  • Motor vehicle accidents

Specific diseases can also increase your risk of paralysis.

Post-injury care requires millions of dollars

Roughly 14% of all spinal cord injuries each year result in complete Tetraplegia. Spinal cord injuries during birth are uncommon, however, permanent paralysis may result from traction applied to an infant during the birthing process.

No matter the age at which a spinal cord injury begins affecting your life, it can be difficult to determine the costs of long-term care. However, the estimated financial responsibility of related medical attention is in the millions.

If you explore your options, you may find you are eligible to recover compensations for your injuries. In some cases, taking legal action is the best approach to advocating for your needs.

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    R.J. Bucky Slomski

    Burch & Cracchiolo, P.A. 1850 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1700 Phoenix, AZ 85004
    Phone: 602-230-8777 Fax: 602-230-8707 Phoenix Law Office Map