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Delivery Trauma

The Devastating And Lasting Effects Of A Birth Injury

Birth injuries are often most devastating to families because they occur at a time that should be the happiest. For expectant parents and grandparents, the birth of a child should be one of the most anticipated events in life.

When a birth injury occurs, however, the event is turned upside down — for many couples, it becomes the biggest nightmare of their lives. Children who suffer birth trauma often require a lifetime of continuing care. These children can be deprived of a lifetime of enjoyment. From normal developmental achievements to school dances, college courses and independent living — they are robbed of the life that should have been theirs.

At the Law Offices of Raymond J. Slomski, P.C., we understand the profound effect that a birth injury has on families. That is why attorneys at our Phoenix law firm work aggressively to help Arizona families achieve justice after a birth injury.

Delivery Trauma And Medical Malpractice

Many types of delivery trauma may be the result of a failure to deliver your child by utilizing safe and proven methods. Permanent and catastrophic injury occurs by a variety of negligent practices. The injuries include:

  • Brachial plexus injury
  • Forceps and vacuum delivery injuries
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Birth asphyxia/hypoxia
  • Improperly treated infections

While some of these injuries are considered to be unavoidable in the medical community, it is worthwhile to talk with a lawyer if your infant has been injured. At the Law Offices of Raymond J. Slomski, P.C., we have an experienced nurse on staff. She will assist our team in the review of your medical records and will assess whether medical malpractice led to the injury.

Free Consultation Provided

If you believe that medical negligence caused your child’s birth trauma, speak with an attorney about the matter as soon as possible in a free initial consultation. Contact the lawyers at the Law Offices of Raymond J. Slomski, P.C., by calling 602-230-8777 or by completing our online contact form.

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    R.J. Bucky Slomski

    Burch & Cracchiolo, P.A. 1850 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1700 Phoenix, AZ 85004
    Phone: 602-230-8777 Fax: 602-230-8707 Phoenix Law Office Map