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Group B Strep And Other Infections

When Medical Negligence Leads To Infections In Newborns

Group B streptococcus is a common type of bacteria found in the intestines or lower genital tracts. Although it is usually harmless in adults, it can cause serious illness in newborns — including a condition known as Group B strep disease.

In order to adequately protect newborns, mothers must be properly diagnosed as carriers. They can then be treated with preventative antibiotics that greatly reduce the risk of harm to the infant. Failure to do so, and failure to watch the child closely, is considered medical negligence.

At the Law Offices of Raymond J. Slomski, P.C., in Phoenix, we understand the challenges families face when medical negligence occurs before, during or after the delivery of a child. That is why we diligently fight to help these families pursue justice in Arizona courts.

We Handle Medical Malpractice Cases On A Contingency Basis

This means that we will dedicate extensive time to build the strongest case possible. We consult with highly respected experts at our own expense and scour all relevant medical records for indications of negligence. You pay no attorney fees unless you receive a negotiated settlement or jury award.

If you believe that medical malpractice caused your child’s injury, speak with an attorney about the matter immediately. Contact the lawyers at the Law Offices of Raymond J. Slomski, P.C., by calling 602-230-8777 or by completing our online contact form.

We also represent mothers and newborns with other types of infections, including meningitis and MRSA, as well as other types of birth injuries.

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    R.J. Bucky Slomski

    Burch & Cracchiolo, P.A. 1850 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1700 Phoenix, AZ 85004
    Phone: 602-230-8777 Fax: 602-230-8707 Phoenix Law Office Map